Tag Archives: armistice day

Armistice Day

12 Nov

Have you heard of Armistice Day before?

It’s a day to mark the end of World War I.

To be honest, I didn’t know it until yesterday. We even took a day off because of the holiday. While most chinese are actually celebrate the Single’s Day. (because the date consists of four “ones”, and 2011.11.11, 6 “ones” this year)

Here’s some history about the holiday.

The holiday began as Armistice Day, Nov. 11, 1918, the date when the end of the fighting between Germany and the Allied nations took effect.

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the day as national Armistice Day in 1919 and declared it a time of “solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory…”

Many countries in the world hold special events for this day. To know more, you can read this article.

But what do you think of this holiday?

In my point of view, it’s not bad to celebrate the Armistice Day, and to remind people of the heros in the war. On the other hand, the new war continuos when we celebrate the past war. it’s ironic, isn’t it?

I think no one denies that war is bad, but it never ends.

In many parts of the world, thousands, even millions of innocent victims are suffering the war. Thousands of families are worried about their sons, their husbands, and their fathers. And thousands of young men give up their initial dream and begin to learn how to fight.

I can’t understand that after so many years of development, why we still choose the most barbaric way to solve the problem?

I don’t like war, and I don’t like to talk about war.

If I had the super power, the first thing that I’d like to do is to STOP WAR!